Whats Done 2.11.9

Amirhossein Mohamadi
4 min readJan 17, 2022


First month of new year and first release! Unfortunately it is not a major update like previous versions. We just have some new widgets, new behavior and some new features. Lets start with things that we removed from app.

Removing trackers

Previous version had some trackers provided by Firebase. We are not going to talk about trackers a lot but just mentioning what removed and why.


First Performance. This tracker can track the performance of app like is it working well, does it has issues in boot or others. Well, our app is localized and there is no problem in boot and loading. So, removed.


We also had Crashlytics that could track crashes of app. Our app is not a huge app that would have crashes. It is lite, fast and even offline. Only time that needs internet is when you are going to login. First time just.

User interface

Our UI is not changed a lot. Just some new widgets. Like Bottom modal that you can review your task by tapping on the task in ListView. Also updating the task! You can now update your task data by using Context Menu. Oh wait, did someone said Context Menu!? Yes there is a Context Menu that is available on long pressing the task item.

Bottom modal

Bottom modal is so simple. Just tap on the task and bingo!

This is available in entire app. Just in trash is something different. The task name is red in trash screen.

Context menu

I call context menu as a right click but I think it is wrong. Anyway, How is context menu? Context menu has come shortcuts to do some jobs. Like going to update screen, review it and fast review that is the bottom modal. Also there is a delete item as the last item.

Simple context menu. Ok lets tap on update and go to update.

Update task

Updating task was something that we forgot to add to app in the first release and again in second version, we forgot it again. But we did it in third release. Oh God!

Updating task is simple and fast. Just tap on update to route to this screen.

Ok, here you can update just one field or both field. Like you want to update the name, just fill name field or note, fill note field. But don’t forget, there is no way to update a null field.

Anonymously login

Login as a guest without providing any account or data. By login as a guest you can do whatever a person can do when it logged in with a Google account. How yo login anonymously? Just tap on login as a guest under login with Google.

Whats is changed in guest mode and Google mode?

The only change is the drawer! I am not kidding it is fact. The drawer header will be change. Image below shows a drawer header of a Google logged in user:

But another image the is places below, shows a drawer header of a guest user:

There is no name, email and picture. Both works great without any issue.

Other changes and fixes

We had issues in Navigators, some widgets and user logging. They are not a big deal to talk about them.


The last words

Tell us any issues that you figured out with comments, Github issues and even sending by email. You can use this email to get in touch:

Amirhossein Mohammadi | Jan 17 2022



Amirhossein Mohamadi
Amirhossein Mohamadi

Written by Amirhossein Mohamadi

Web and Mobile full stack developer.

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